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Tuesday Traditions Study (ONL-41)

*This meeting meets via ZOOM.

12:00 pm Noon Eastern US, CAN, Trinidad/Tobago / 11:00 am Central / 10:00 am Mountain / 9:00 am Pacific / 4:00 pm UTC / 6:00 pm SAST, Helsinki / 5:00 am Wellington, NZDT (next day/Tuesday)

The Traditions remind us that we’re part of something bigger than ourselves. Please join us at any time. Unlike the Steps that build upon each other, each Tradition study can stand alone. Even if you haven’t completed all Twelve Steps, you are welcome here!


Madison COSA Online (ONL-42 & WI-09)

This meeting meets via zoom. Please contact for meeting information., Madison, WI

Madison, WI Step online open to all COSAs. Please contact for meeting information.
5:30 pm Eastern US, CAN / 4:30 pm Central / 3:30 pm Mountain / 2:30 pm Pacific / 9:30 pm UTC / 9:30 am Wellington, NZ (next day/Tuesday) / 7:30 am Sydney, AU (next day/Tuesday)


MP3 Meeting (ONL-45)

This hour and a half meeting broadcasts Mp3s from the COSA convention archives through zoom with dial-in/phone options. Shares and fellowship available after conclusion of the broadcast.

11:30 am Eastern, CAN / 10:30 am Central / 9:30 am Mountain / 8:30 am Pacific / 3:30 pm UTC / 5:30 pm SAST


LGBTQIA2S+ COSA Meeting (ONL-49)

This meeting is a closed meeting that is for anyone who identifies as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, gender non-conforming, queer or questioning, intersex, asexual, pansexual, or Two Spirit.
8:30 pm Eastern US, CAN / 7:30 pm Central / 6:30 pm Mountain / 5:30 pm Pacific / 12:30 am UTC (next day/Thursday) / 1:30 pm Wellington, NZDT (next day/Thursday) / 11:30 am Sydney, AEDT (next day/Thursday)


Adult Children of Sex Addicts / ACSA (ONL-50)

Adult Children of Sex Addicts Meeting is open to COSAs who identify as being affected by childhood caregivers or members of your family of origin. Open to anyone affected by sexual compulsive behavior including members of other Twelve Step programs. If you are not sure and are exploring whether you may have been affected by compulsive sexual behavior in this way, you are welcome to attend.
7:00 pm Eastern US, CAN, Trinidad/Tobago / 6:00 pm Central / 5:00 pm Mountain / 4:00 pm Pacific / 11:00 pm UTC / 12:00 pm Wellington, NZDT (next day/Wednesday) / 10:00 am Sydney, AEDT (next day/Wednesday)


COSA Women – online South Africa (ONL-53 & INT-29)

*This meeting meets via ZOOM.

This zoom meeting welcomes only women who have been affected by compulsive sexual behavior.
8:00 pm SAST (UTC+2) / 6:00 pm UTC / 2:00 pm Eastern, CAN / 1:00 pm Central / 12:00 noon Mountain / 11:00 am Pacific 


Friday “Let’s Talk About Sex” Meeting (ONL-40)

*PLEASE NOTE REVISED START TIME: 8:00 pm Eastern / 7:00 pm Central / 6:00 pm Mountain / 5:00 pm Pacific
& Go to: – Enter Meeting ID: 457 778 6313
Contact for password and other information:


* ZOOM only: Young Adults COSA Meeting (ONL-52)

This meeting only meets via Zoom

*Changed by 1 hour: 9:00 pm Eastern / 8:00 pm Central / 7:00 pm Mountain / 6:00 pm PACIFIC / 1:00 am UTC (next day) / 1:00 pm Wellington, New Zealand NDZT (next day/Saturday) / 11:00 am Sydney, Australia AEDT (next day/Saturday)
contact email: for zoom information


Divorce Help & Hope Meeting (ONL-56)

A new meeting with a focus for those considering divorce, in the process of divorce, or divorced. COSA material will be used. Join this meeting to share your experience, strength and hope with those in attendance and gain the unparalleled gift of acceptance from others in a similar situation.
3:00 pm Eastern, CAN / 2:00 pm Central / 1:00 Mountain / 12:00 noon Pacific / 7:00 pm UTC / 7:00 am Wellington, NZDT (next day/Monday)


New Member’s Meeting (ONL-11)

We invite all COSAs, whether new to everything COSA or new to the COSA Zoom Room to join us to meet and learn about COSA, make connections with other new and "seasoned" COSAs, be introduced to available online resources and ask questions.
7:30 pm Eastern US, CAN, Trinidad/Tobago / 6:30 pm Central / 5:30 pm Mountain / 4:30 pm Pacific / 11:30 pm UTC (next day/Thursday) / 12:30 pm Wellington, NZDT (next day/Thursday)/ 10:30 am Sydney, AEDT (next day/Thursday)


Step Into Recovery Step Study / SIRSS (ONL-38)

This step study is starting on Step One in January 2024. The goal is to complete the Steps by mid-December 2024.
1:30 pm Eastern US, CAN, Trinidad/Tobago / 12:30 pm Central / 11:30 am Mountain / 10:30 am Pacific / 6:30 pm GMT


Wednesday “Leveling Up” (ONL-61)

The “Leveling Up” meeting will begin an in-depth study of healing, health, and hope after betrayal. The first session will be Wednesday, October 9, at 1 pm Pacific time, 2 pm Mountain time, 3 pm Central time, and 4 pm Eastern time.
3:15 pm Eastern / 2:15 pm Central / 1:15 pm Mountain / 12:15 pm Pacific



HIR (or Healthy Intimate Relationships) is a style of blended meeting in which both COSAs and sex addicts are welcome to participate fully, with or without partners. This meeting is a deeper study on how the Twelve Steps, Traditions, and Principles help us strengthen and improve our primary love relationships. Open to both COSAs and sex addicts with or without their partners, including newcomers. Closed to those who have not been affected by their own or another person’s compulsive sexual behavior.
12 pm Noon Eastern / 11 am Central / 10 am Mountain / 9 am Pacific / 5 pm BST / 4 pm UTC


Los Angeles COSA (ONL-21)

*Meetings will be held in cosazoomroom until further notice* Long Beach, CA, United States

Meeting Focus: Using COSA's Twelve Steps and Tools to heal and recover.
12:00 pm Eastern, CAN / 11:00 am Central / 10:00 am US Mountain / 9:00 am Pacific / 5:00 pm GMT
Contact for password and additional information: or


*NEW* Adult Children of Sex Addicts / ACSA (ONL-69)

This *NEW* Adult Children of Sex Addicts Meeting is open to COSAs who identify as being affected by childhood caregivers or members of your family of origin. Open to anyone affected by sexual compulsive behavior including members of other Twelve Step programs. If you are not sure and are exploring whether you may have been affected by compulsive sexual behavior in this way, you are welcome to attend. Starts Thursday, June 8, 2023.
4:00 pm Eastern US, CAN / 3:00 pm Central / 2:00 pm Mountain / 1:00 pm Pacific / 8:00 pm UTC


COSA En Español (TEL-14)

Meeting Focus: COSA en Español por teléfono.
8:30 pm Eastern / 7:30 pm Central / 6:30 pm Mountain / 5:30 pm Pacific


Bloomington COSA (IN-01)

Bloomington, IN Bloomington, IN, United States

This is a local meeting that meets sometimes in person and sometimes by Zoom. Please reach out by email for more information.


Hope and Healing (ONL-37)

Wednesday Hope and Healing Online
8:00 pm BST / 9:00 pm SAST, Finland / 3:00 pm Eastern / 2:00 pm Central / 1:00 pm Mountain / 12:00 pm noon Pacific / 7:00 am Wellington, NZST (Next day/Tuesday) / 5:00 am Sydney, AEST (Next day/Tuesday)


Online Thousand Cranes (AZ-01)

We currently alternate weekly between in-person and virtual meetings.  Every first, third, and fifth Monday is an in-person meeting at Unity of Tucson at 3617 N Camino Blanco, in Annex room three. Every second and fourth Monday each month is a virtual meeting via Zoom.  Please contact us at or 520-344-2436 for more information and the Zoom login.


COSA Salt Lake (UT-05)

2375 East 3300 South Rm. 209 2375 East 3300 South Rm. 209, Salt Lake City, UT, United States

A face-to-face meeting open only to adults who identify themselves as a COSA. Contact