Balance Newsletter
Looking for issues of our Balance newsletter? You can find them all here.2018 November/December Balance Issue
Dealing with the Pain of My Partner’s Sexual Anorexia
2018 September/October Balance Issue
Healthy sexuality, dating, and intimacy
2018 July/August Balance Issue
Annual delegate meeting summary
2018 May/June Balance Issue
How I Found A Sponsor
2018 March/April Balance Issue
Profile of a ServiceWorker: COSAs Share Their Experience, Strength, and Hope
2018 January/February Balance Issue
Anonymity: What does it really mean? “Once inside the safety of that anonymous gathering, I could share whatever was on my mind or heart without judgment…”
2017 November/December Balance Issue
Working the Steps – Sometimes Slowly, Sometimes Quickly
2017 September/October Balance Issue
2017 July/August Balance Issue
Step into the Sunshine in Review: Reflections from COSAs attending the Convention in Orlando
2017 May/June Balance Issue
Fear and Acceptance: My Experience of Being a Male in COSA
2017 March/April Balance Issue
Working with a Long-distance Sponsor
2017 January/February Balance Issue
My Recovery Support Network
Your Seventh Tradition donations are always appreciated!
As a self-supporting organization, we always appreciate your Seventh Tradition contributions, whether they are one-time, monthly, or annual. Your contributions make real differences in the lives of those we serve.