Ways to be of Service
Part of our individual recovery is acting in service to others, and to the organization. Find out how you can get involved.Becoming a Year-Round Delegate
The year-round delegate may be the most important service position in COSA. Year-round delegates serve as a vital link between their groups and the fellowship as a whole. Having this link keeps COSA’s group conscience alive and brings valuable recovery and resources to each meeting.
Becoming a Sponsor
A sponsor is a person in the program who serves as our guide as we work the Twelve Steps of COSA. This is someone with whom we can share our story more fully, and who shares their own experience, strength, and hope as we undertake our recovery journey.
Write/Edit for COSA
Writing can be a rewarding form of service. Not only does sharing our experience, strength, and hope help others in the fellowship, it enhances the writer’s personal program of recovery, often bringing us to new levels of awareness and growth. COSA members may submit shares for consideration for publication in the bi-monthly newsletter, Balance, or in other COSA literature.
Join the ISO of COSA Board
The board continues to further COSA’s primary purpose: “to carry the message to those who still suffer.” Members who have stepped up for board service have experienced profound rewards and growth. Deepened recovery, discernment, patience, fellowship, and satisfaction are just a few of the gifts that have been received by those who have chosen service at the international level.
Your Seventh Tradition donations are always appreciated!
As a self-supporting organization, we always appreciate your Seventh Tradition contributions, whether they are one-time, monthly, or annual. Your contributions make real differences in the lives of those we serve.