Delegate Representation

When a group participates in COSA as a whole by sending a delegate to the Biannual Delegate Meeting, they help the ISO understand and serve the group's needs. Sharing experience, strength, and hope with other meetings, the ability to apply the spiritual principles of the Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions, and Twelve Concepts deepens for everyone.

The Job Description

What does a year-round delegate do? The chosen delegate:

  • Serves year-round for a maximum of three two-year terms
  • Represents their home group’s group conscience at the Biannual Delegate Meeting and throughout the year
  • Relays information from the board to the meeting members so the group can determine how they want the delegate to vote on items presented at the Delegate meeting. 
  • Encourages written submissions to the COSA Literature Committee from group members
  • Informs their home group about financial and service needs at the International level
  • Encourages all members to be generous with their time, talents, and treasure
  • Suggested to participate on an ISO working committee
  • Follows the COSA Delegate Checklist

The delegate the group chooses would ideally be the person the group thinks is best suited to represent them. This is determined by a group conscience including as many members as possible; delegates are not self-appointed. We suggest that delegates be members who have attended at least six out of the group’s last ten meetings, are working the Steps with a sponsor or co-sponsor, and meet the basic requirements for all of their group’s other service positions.

Why register a delegate to represent your COSA meeting?

  • Important information is emailed to delegates including announcements about new literature, materials for the annual convention, and other information for the good of the fellowship.
  • The meeting is represented at the Biannual Delegate Meeting, in order to have a voice in decisions that affect COSA nationally and internationally.
  • Delegates communicate and share information throughout the year that can help each group and its members grow and develop deeper in recovery.