The ISO of COSA Board

Help the board or join the board! We are looking for new board members for the International Service Organization of COSA to further the health and growth of our fellowship.

The ISO of COSA Board

Think you know someone who might be a good fit?

Here’s what you’re looking for.

  • A COSA who has completed all of the Twelve Steps.
  • Someone who’s been in COSA for at least two years.
  • Someone who has a sponsor.
  • Someone who has held service positions in their home group, Intergroup, or as a delegate.

After that, think about whether you admire their recovery. Do they carry out service with a sense of serenity and maybe even joy?

Please encourage qualified members to accept a nomination to the ISO Board. You may nominate yourself or a fellow COSA for a board position. 

We welcome all applicants who meet the sobriety requirements. We are in special need of people with:

  • A financial background, including experience with reconciliation and bookkeeping in general.
  • An expertise with technology, especially WordPress and/or MailChimp—specifically someone who’s excited by the prospect of maintaining the COSA website.
  • Fundraising experience.
  • Someone’s who’s interested in leading outreach efforts on a national/international level for COSA.

Be Part of the Solution

The board continues to further COSA’s primary purpose: “to carry the message to those who still suffer.” Members who have stepped up for board service have experienced profound rewards and growth. Deepened recovery, discernment, patience, fellowship, achievement, and satisfaction are just a few of the gifts that have been received by those who have chosen service at the international level.

Board Members Will Be Asked To:

  • Attend monthly meetings via Zoom throughout the year
  • Correspond with each other by email and phone to advance current projects; the amount of contact is based on the level of involvement in the projects at hand
  • Familiarize themselves with the ISO board documents, bylaws, and operating procedures
  • Be open to serving on one of the board committees
  • Attend two face-to-face board meetings each year (see the ISO of COSA Board Application for specific dates); limited funds are available to help board members with travel expenses

Board Qualifications:

  • Two years in COSA
  • Working with a sponsor or equivalent
  • Member of a registered COSA group
  • Completed all Twelve Steps
  • History of holding service positions in home group, Intergroup, or as a delegate
  • Endorsement from the applicant’s home group; it is important that the group affirm their belief that the individual is suited to serve at the international level

Qualities & Actions of a Successful Board Member Include:

  • Willingness to apply the Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions, and Twelve Concepts to board work
  • Strong sense of personal ethics
  • Responsibility, reliability, and the ability to meet deadlines
  • Willingness to listen to all viewpoints and support group decisions
  • Ability to place principles before personalities while showing respect at all times
  • Respect for the confidentiality of other board members
  • Patience, since work based on group consensus takes time
  • Commitment to practicing the COSA program while conducting fellowship business

We invite you to consider joining the COSA board and making a difference in the fellowship through service. If you are interested, please complete and submit the attached application form. You might even encourage someone else whose service could mutually benefit the board and the individual.