Balance Newsletter

Looking for issues of our Balance newsletter? You can find them all here.

2024 September/October Balance Issue

Why I Work The Steps, Service With A Smile, COSA Tool: The “We” of the Fellowship – Program Tools and Texts, Step Nine, Step Ten, Tradition Nine, Tradition Ten

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2024 July/August Balance Issue

Summer Convention Reflection, Recovery Red, Delegate Dispatch, COSA Tool: Working the Twelve Steps in 15 Minutes, Step Seven, Step Eight, Tradition Seven, Tradition Eight, Concept Eight

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2024 May/June Balance Issue

2024 Convention Schedule, Powerlessness, I am a Warrior, COSA Tool: Serenity Prayer, Step Five, Step Six, Tradition Five, Tradition Six

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2024 March/April Balance Issue

COSA Recovery Available Now!, Perfectionism, 2024 Conventions, COSA-Teen, Step Three, Step Four, Tradition Three, Tradition Four, Book Launch Party, Boundaries

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2022 May/June Balance Issue

Affirmations, I am a Warrior, COSA Promises History & Development, 2022 Delegate Information, 2022 COSA Convention, Step Five, Step Six, Tradition Five, Tradition Six, New Meetings

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Your Seventh Traditions are Always Appreciated!

As a self-supporting organization, we always appreciate your Seventh Tradition contributions, whether they are one-time, monthly, or annual. Your contributions make real differences in the lives of those we serve.