Results for "personal color"

2024 Conventions

31st Annual COSA Conventions   The What, Where, and When of the 2024 COSA Conventions: Again this year, the ISO of COSA is carrying the message by organizing the virtual convention in February and the in-person convention in June. Our members convened and shared...

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COSA En Español

  Oración de la serenidad Dios, concédeme la serenidad para aceptar las cosas que no puedo cambiar, valor para cambiar aquellas que puedo, y sabiduría para reconocer la diferencia.Bienvenida a COSA Le damos la bienvenida a la comunidad de COSA y le hacemos llegar...

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The 12 Steps, Traditions, and Concepts

COSA is an anonymous, international Twelve Step recovery program for those whose lives have been affected by compulsive sexual behavior. The COSA fellowship is steadfastly autonomous; it is not affiliated with any other organizations. We are also self-supporting, sustained entirely by voluntary donations of time and money from our members.

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Phone Meetings: Readings

COSA En Español | Schedules | FAQs | Being of Service | Scripts | Donations | Contact UsThe Serenity Prayer God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference. Welcome We welcome you...

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Phone Meetings: Being of Service

Schedules | Readings | COSA En Español | FAQs | Scripts | Donations | Contact Us  COSA is possible because of the service and energy of its members and we invite any input and contribution. Service positions can be an opportunity to build confidence,...

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Phone Meetings: FAQ

Schedules | Readings | Being of Service | Scripts | Donations | Contact Us A: You will dial a teleconferencing server and enter an access code. All attendees will be automatically joined together in the call. A secretary leads the meeting.A: The only cost is your...

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The ISO of COSA Board

Help the board or join the board! We are looking for new board members for the International Service Organization of COSA to further the health and growth of our fellowship. 

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Write/Edit for COSA

COSA Authors Wanted: Literature Submissions Writing can be a rewarding form of service. Not only does sharing our experience, strength, and hope help others in the fellowship, it enhances the writer's personal program of recovery, often bringing us to new levels of...

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Note: These attachments and links contain materials COSA members have found to be helpful. The ISO of COSA neither endorses nor opposes the contents of these links. These resources reflect the individual experience, strength, and hope of the COSAs who created them. Please visit the COSA Store for conference-approved literature on the COSA program, including Step booklets, as well as other great mp3s.

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Ways to be of Service

Part of our individual recovery is acting in service to others, and to the organization. Find out how you can get involved.

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Identifying Key Behaviors

Lying, covering up, explaining away, or ignoring compulsive sexual behaviors are some of the unhealthy ways we may cope. We stifle the inner voice telling us something is wrong. We accept promises like “it won’t happen again” many times over, and in effect, enable the addiction. With the denial of reality, our lives become increasingly unmanageable. Our efforts to control escalate in an attempt to alleviate the strain. We tell ourselves that if only we could somehow change—for example, be more (or less) attractive, provocative, intelligent, competent—we could change another person’s sexual behavior.

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Welcome To The COSA Program

COSA is an anonymous, international Twelve Step recovery program for those whose lives have been affected by compulsive sexual behavior. The COSA fellowship is steadfastly autonomous; it is not affiliated with any other organizations. We are also self-supporting, sustained entirely by voluntary donations of time and money from our members.

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COSA History

COSA is an anonymous, international Twelve Step recovery program for those whose lives have been affected by compulsive sexual behavior. The COSA fellowship is steadfastly autonomous; it is not affiliated with any other organizations. We are also self-supporting, sustained entirely by voluntary donations of time and money from our members.

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