Houston – West Side: Sunday Night (TX-22)
St Martin Episcopal Church 717 Sage Rd, Houston, TX, United StatesWomen COSA only Hybrid (zoom and face to face) meeting.
Women COSA only Hybrid (zoom and face to face) meeting.
6pm from Nov-April 1, 6:30pm April to Nov 1. naturalwonder06@gmail.com or call for meeting
Join us to start your new week with shares of ESH (experience strength hope) on recovery-focused topics.
7:30 pm Eastern US, CAN / 6:30 pm Central / 5:30 pm Mountain / 4:30 pm Pacific / 11:30 pm UTC / 11:30 am Wellington, NZDT (next day/Monday) / 9:30 am Sydney, AEDT (next day/Monday)
Swedish COSA Zoom Meeting
United Kingdom social distancing response group
11:00 am BST / 1:00 pm SAST, Finland / 6:00 am Eastern US / 5:00 am Central US / 4:00 am Mountain US / 3:00 am Pacific US / 10:00 pm Wellington, NZDT / 8:00 pm Sydney, AEDT
This hour and a half meeting broadcasts Mp3s from the COSA convention archives through zoom with dial-in/phone options. Shares and fellowship available after conclusion of the broadcast.
11:30 am Eastern, CAN / 10:30 am Central / 9:30 am Mountain / 8:30 am Pacific / 3:30 pm UTC / 5:30 pm SAST
Madison, WI Step online open to all COSAs. Please contact cosa4madison@gmail.com for meeting information.
5:30 pm Eastern US, CAN / 4:30 pm Central / 3:30 pm Mountain / 2:30 pm Pacific / 9:30 pm UTC / 9:30 am Wellington, NZ (next day/Tuesday) / 7:30 am Sydney, AU (next day/Tuesday)
The Women only meeting is open only to those who identify themselves as a COSA. For more information, please contact mondaynightmeeting23@gmail.com
Zoom meeting / Meets weekly on Mondays (previously every other Monday) / Welcomes those who identify themselves as a COSA. Please contact Allisongivingservice@gmail.com for zoom # and password.
Meets every week now. Contact ECCOSA@yahoo.com for more information.
We currently alternate weekly between in-person and virtual meetings. Every first, third, and fifth Monday is an in-person meeting at Unity of Tucson at 3617 N Camino Blanco, in Annex room three. Every […]
8:30 pm Eastern US, CAN / 7:30 pm Central / 6:30 pm MOUNTAIN / 5:30 pm Pacific / 10:30 am Sydney, AU (next day/Tuesday) / 12:30 pm Wellington, NZ (next day/Tuesday) Please email us at bouldercosa@gmail.com for Zoom information.
***Now occurring via Zoom for COED COSAs only. Please contact us for zoom information.
8:00 pm Eastern US, CAN / 7:00 pm CENTRAL / 6:00 pm Mountain / 5:00 pm Pacific
Women COSA meeting. Please text or email the contact for more information.
8:00 pm Eastern US, CAN / 7:00 pm CENTRAL / 6:00 pm Mountain / 6:00 pm Pacific / 1:00 pm Wellington NZST (Next day/Tuesday) / 11:00 am Sydney AEST (Next day/Tuesday)
Contact cosa.eugene.or@gmail.com for zoom meeting information.
Currently, the COSA Vancouver meetings are held on Zoom. Please contact us for more information.
Women's only in-person meeting. For more information, contact HarrisvilleCOSA@gmail.com
Dial in: (669) 900 6833 Meeting ID: 799 359 136 Password: 202012 Please contact eastbaycosa@yahoo.com for zoom information
Please contact us for meeting information.
Newcomers welcome. We have returned to a face-to-face meeting.
Contact montgomerycosa@gmail.com
Meeting Focus: COSA Recovery Tools for Emotional Sobriety.
8:00 pm Eastern / 7:00 pm Central / 6:00 pm Mountain / 5:00 pm Pacific
Monday Evening UK Online
8:00 pm BST / 9:00 pm SAST, Finland / 3:00 pm Eastern / 2:00 pm Central / 1:00 pm Mountain / 12:00 pm noon Pacific / 7:00 am Wellington, NZST (Next day/Tuesday) / 5:00 am Sydney, AEST (Next day/Tuesday)
This meeting is open to those who have been affected by compulsive sexual behaviour, focusing on the pain, anger, shame, and experiences of COSAs dealing with one's own and/or another’s sexual anorexia or the compulsive avoidance of sexual intimacy.
9:00 pm Eastern / 8:00 pm Central / 7:00 pm Mountain / 6:00 pm Pacific / 1:00 am UTC (next day/Tuesday) / 1:00 pm Wellington, NZST (next day/Tuesday) / 11:00 am Sydney, AEST (next day/Tuesday)
Meeting Focus: COSA en Español por teléfono.
8:30 pm Eastern / 7:30 pm Central / 6:30 pm Mountain / 5:30 pm Pacific