Houston – West Side: Sunday Night (TX-22)
*Email a contact person for meeting statusWomen Only ***Please text or email a contact person for Zoom information.
7:00 pm Eastern US, CAN / 6:00 pm CENTRAL / 5:00 pm Mountain / 4:00 pm Pacific
Women Only ***Please text or email a contact person for Zoom information.
7:00 pm Eastern US, CAN / 6:00 pm CENTRAL / 5:00 pm Mountain / 4:00 pm Pacific
Women COSA only Hybrid (zoom and face to face) meeting.
The Women only meeting is open only to those who identify themselves as a COSA. For more information, please contact mondaynightmeeting23@gmail.com
Meets every week now. Contact ECCOSA@yahoo.com for more information.
Women COSA meeting. Please text or email the contact for more information.
8:00 pm Eastern US, CAN / 7:00 pm CENTRAL / 6:00 pm Mountain / 6:00 pm Pacific / 1:00 pm Wellington NZST (Next day/Tuesday) / 11:00 am Sydney AEST (Next day/Tuesday)
Currently, the COSA Vancouver meetings are held on Zoom. Please contact us for more information.
Women's only in-person meeting. For more information, contact HarrisvilleCOSA@gmail.com
Women COSA only Hybrid (zoom and face to face) meeting. Please text or email contact for more information.
1:00 pm Eastern US, CAN / 12:00 pm NOON CENTRAL / 11:00 am Mountain / 10:00 pm Pacific
This women's only Literature meeting is open to those who are interested in learning more about COSA and presently conducted in zoom. Please contact dallascosa@gmail.com for more information.
Call for meeting location.
Please contact srcosa@gmail.com for a zoom number and password / Women Only / Open (Meeting is open to those interested in learning about COSA)
Please contact the group for more information and current meeting status.
Meet in Gymnasium Building/Glenn Steinkamp Memorial Room
Please contact stlcosa@yahoo.com for meeting information.
Women only. We meet at Holy Spirit, Room 9 in Tempe 7-9 pm on Tuesdays. No meetings on 12/24 & 12/31.
This zoom meeting welcomes only women who have been affected by compulsive sexual behavior. cosahelderberg@gmail.com
8:00 pm SAST (UTC+2) / 6:00 pm UTC / 2:00 pm Eastern, CAN / 1:00 pm Central / 12:00 noon Mountain / 11:00 am Pacific
contact centralarkansascosa@gmail.com
Women Only
8:00 pm Eastern, 7:00 pm Central, 6:00 pm Mountain, 5:00 pm Pacific, 2:00 pm Wellington, NZDT (next day/Thursday), 12 pm Sydney, AEDT (next day/Thursday)
*Hybrid (zoom and face-to-face) meeting for those who identify as COSA women only.
7:00 PM Pacific / 8:00 pm Mountain / 9:00 pm Central / 10:00 pm Eastern / 3:00 pm Wellington, NZDT (next day/Thursday) / 1:00 pm Sydney, AEDT (next day/Thursday)
This is a Face to Face meeting for only COSA women. Please email COSAThursday@gmail.com ahead of time to confirm meeting status.
(45 min. N.W. of Dallas)
Please contact londonsaturdaycosa@gmail.com for more information