Daily Tenth Step Meeting (TEL-12)
Note: You do not have to have worked the first nine Steps to attend this meeting.
3:00 pm Eastern / 2:00 pm Central / 1:00 pm Mountain / 12:00 Noon Pacific
Note: You do not have to have worked the first nine Steps to attend this meeting.
3:00 pm Eastern / 2:00 pm Central / 1:00 pm Mountain / 12:00 Noon Pacific
Live! In Person! Face-to-Face! in San Francisco
Every Saturday morning from 9:45 am to 10:45 am
at Unity San Francisco, 240 Page Street
(between Octavia and Laguna in Hayes Valley).
In person only. Join us for Fellowship after the meeting too!
Join us to start your new week with shares of ESH (experience strength hope) on recovery-focused topics.
7:30 pm Eastern US, CAN / 6:30 pm Central / 5:30 pm Mountain / 4:30 pm Pacific / 11:30 pm UTC / 11:30 am Wellington, NZDT (next day/Monday) / 9:30 am Sydney, AEDT (next day/Monday)
This meeting is open to those who have been affected by compulsive sexual behaviour, focusing on the pain, anger, shame, and experiences of COSAs dealing with one's own and/or another’s sexual anorexia or the compulsive avoidance of sexual intimacy.
9:00 pm Eastern / 8:00 pm Central / 7:00 pm Mountain / 6:00 pm Pacific / 1:00 am UTC (next day/Tuesday) / 1:00 pm Wellington, NZST (next day/Tuesday) / 11:00 am Sydney, AEST (next day/Tuesday)
Women only. We meet at Holy Spirit, Room 9 in Tempe 7-9 pm on Tuesdays. No meetings on 12/24 & 12/31.
HIR (or Healthy Intimate Relationships) is a style of blended meeting in which both COSAs and sex addicts are welcome to participate fully, with or without partners.
8:30 pm Eastern US, CAN / 7:30 pm Central / 6:30 pm Mountain / 5:30 pm Pacific / 12:30 am UTC (Wednesday) / 11:30 pm Sydney, AEDT (next day/Wednesday) / 1:30 pm Wellington, NZDT (next day/Wednesday)
Meeting Focus: Steps. Weekly speaker or reader.
10:00 pm Eastern / 9:00 pm Central / 8:00 pm Mountain / 7:00 pm Pacific
Topic meeting. All COSAs welcome.
8:30 pm Eastern US, CAN, Trinidad/Tobago / 7:30 pm Central / 6:30 pm Mountain / 5:30 pm Pacific / 12:30 am UTC (early Thursday) / 1:30 pm Wellington, NZDT (next day/Thursday) / 11:30 am Sydney, AEDT (next day/Thursday)
Step meeting full and closed to existing COSA meeting members
9:00 am Eastern / 8:00 am Central / 7:00 am Mountain / 6:00 am Pacific / 1:00 pm UTC / 3:00 pm SAST
Safe Haven Meeting covers topics related to COSA recovery
3:00 pm Eastern / 2:00 pm Central / 1:00 pm Mountain / 12:00 noon Pacific / 7:00 pm UTC / 9:00 pm SAST, Helsinki, Finland / 8:00 am Wellington, NZDT (next day/Friday) / 6:00 am Sydney, AEDT (next day/Friday)
HIR (or Healthy Intimate Relationships) is a style of blended meeting in which both COSAs and sex addicts are welcome to participate fully, with or without partners.
10:30 pm Eastern / 9:30 pm Central / 8:30 pm Mountain / 7:30 pm Pacific / 2:30 am UTC / 3:30 pm Wellington, NZST (next day/Sunday) / 1:30 pm Sydney, AEST (next day/Sunday)
Dial in: (669) 900 6833 Meeting ID: 799 359 136 Password: 202012 Please contact eastbaycosa@yahoo.com for zoom information
Newcomers welcome. We have returned to a face-to-face meeting.
Topics come from the COSA literature. (Each week’s topic will be presented during the meeting. No purchase is necessary.)
2:00 pm Eastern, CAN, Trinidad/Tobago / 1:00 pm Central / 12:00 noon US Mountain / 11:00 am Pacific / 6:00 pm UTC / 8:00 pm SAST, Finland / 7:00 am Wellington, NZDT (next day/Wednesday)
Please contact srcosa@gmail.com for a zoom number and password / Women Only / Open (Meeting is open to those interested in learning about COSA)
Wednesday Noon Pacific Meeting
3:00 pm Eastern, CAN, Trinidad/Tobago / 2:00 pm Central / 1:00 Mountain / 12:00 noon Pacific / 7:00 pm Greenwich / Reykjavik, Iceland / 8:00 pm London, UK / 10:00 pm Helsinki, Finland / 7:00 am NZ (next day/Thursday)
Meeting is hybrid Zoom & Face-to-Face
Please email inthecityserenity@yahoo.com for meeting information.
*Hybrid (zoom and face-to-face) meeting for those who identify as COSA women only.
7:00 PM Pacific / 8:00 pm Mountain / 9:00 pm Central / 10:00 pm Eastern / 3:00 pm Wellington, NZDT (next day/Thursday) / 1:00 pm Sydney, AEDT (next day/Thursday)
7:30 PM Pacific / 8:30 pm Mountain / 9:30 pm Central / 10:30 pm Eastern / 3:30 pm Wellington, NZDT (next day/Wednesday) / 1:30 pm Sydney, AEDT (next day/Wednesday)
Please note that the location listed is approximate. Contact the group email StrengthinSerenity@gmail.com for the meeting address or to see if it is on zoom.
Dial in: (669) 900 6833 Meeting ID: 726 754 559 Password: 202012 Contact thursnitecosa@gmail.com for zoom meeting information
Leave a message at 859-951-7788 and someone will return your call.
6pm from Nov-April 1, 6:30pm April to Nov 1. naturalwonder06@gmail.com or call for meeting
Please join us for our Sunday Meditation Meeting
7:00 pm Eastern US, CAN / 6:00 pm Central / 5:00 pm Mountain / 4:00 pm Pacific
Contact omahacosa@gmail.com for more information
Women Only ***Please text or email a contact person for Zoom information.
7:00 pm Eastern US, CAN / 6:00 pm CENTRAL / 5:00 pm Mountain / 4:00 pm Pacific
First Sundays of each Month 18h00
The Women only meeting is open only to those who identify themselves as a COSA. For more information, please contact mondaynightmeeting23@gmail.com