HIR (or Healthy Intimate Relationships) is a style of blended meeting in which both COSAs and sex addicts are welcome to participate fully, with or without partners.
11:30 pm Eastern / 10:30 pm Central / 9:30 pm Mountain / 8:30 pm Pacific / 5:30 am SAST (next morning/Friday) / 4:30 pm Wellington, NZDT (next day/Friday) / 2:30 pm Sydney, AEDT (next day/Friday)
Note: You do not have to have worked the first ten Steps to attend this meeting.
12:00 Midnight Eastern / 11:00 pm Central / 10:00 pm Mountain / 9:00 pm Pacific
United Kingdom social distancing response group
11:00 am BST / 1:00 pm SAST, Finland / 6:00 am Eastern US / 5:00 am Central US / 4:00 am Mountain US / 3:00 am Pacific US / 10:00 pm Wellington, NZDT / 8:00 pm Sydney, AEDT
This hour and a half meeting broadcasts Mp3s from the COSA convention archives through zoom with dial-in/phone options. Shares and fellowship available after conclusion of the broadcast.
11:30 am Eastern, CAN / 10:30 am Central / 9:30 am Mountain / 8:30 am Pacific / 3:30 pm UTC / 5:30 pm SAST
Note: You do not have to have worked the first nine Steps to attend this meeting.
3:00 pm Eastern / 2:00 pm Central / 1:00 pm Mountain / 12:00 Noon Pacific
Madison, WI Step online open to all COSAs. Please contact cosa4madison@gmail.com for meeting information.
5:30 pm Eastern US, CAN / 4:30 pm Central / 3:30 pm Mountain / 2:30 pm Pacific / 9:30 pm UTC / 9:30 am Wellington, NZ (next day/Tuesday) / 7:30 am Sydney, AU (next day/Tuesday)
The Women only meeting is open only to those who identify themselves as a COSA. For more information, please contact mondaynightmeeting23@gmail.com
We currently alternate weekly between in-person and virtual meetings. Every first, third, and fifth Monday is an in-person meeting at Unity of Tucson at 3617 N Camino Blanco, in Annex room three. Every second and fourth Monday each month is a virtual meeting via Zoom. Please contact us at TucsonCOSA1@gmail.com or 520-344-2436 for more information and the Zoom login.
8:30 pm Eastern US, CAN / 7:30 pm Central / 6:30 pm MOUNTAIN / 5:30 pm Pacific / 10:30 am Sydney, AU (next day/Tuesday) / 12:30 pm Wellington, NZ (next day/Tuesday) Please email us at bouldercosa@gmail.com for Zoom information.
***Now occurring via Zoom for COED COSAs only. Please contact us for zoom information.
8:00 pm Eastern US, CAN / 7:00 pm CENTRAL / 6:00 pm Mountain / 5:00 pm Pacific
Women COSA meeting. Please text or email the contact for more information.
8:00 pm Eastern US, CAN / 7:00 pm CENTRAL / 6:00 pm Mountain / 6:00 pm Pacific / 1:00 pm Wellington NZST (Next day/Tuesday) / 11:00 am Sydney AEST (Next day/Tuesday)
Contact cosa.eugene.or@gmail.com for zoom meeting information.
Currently, the COSA Vancouver meetings are held on Zoom. Please contact us for more information.
Women's only in-person meeting. For more information, contact HarrisvilleCOSA@gmail.com
Dial in: (669) 900 6833 Meeting ID: 799 359 136 Password: 202012 Please contact eastbaycosa@yahoo.com for zoom information
Meeting Focus: COSA Recovery Tools for Emotional Sobriety.
8:00 pm Eastern / 7:00 pm Central / 6:00 pm Mountain / 5:00 pm Pacific
Monday Evening UK Online
8:00 pm BST / 9:00 pm SAST, Finland / 3:00 pm Eastern / 2:00 pm Central / 1:00 pm Mountain / 12:00 pm noon Pacific / 7:00 am Wellington, NZST (Next day/Tuesday) / 5:00 am Sydney, AEST (Next day/Tuesday)
This meeting is open to those who have been affected by compulsive sexual behaviour, focusing on the pain, anger, shame, and experiences of COSAs dealing with one's own and/or another’s sexual anorexia or the compulsive avoidance of sexual intimacy.
9:00 pm Eastern / 8:00 pm Central / 7:00 pm Mountain / 6:00 pm Pacific / 1:00 am UTC (next day/Tuesday) / 1:00 pm Wellington, NZST (next day/Tuesday) / 11:00 am Sydney, AEST (next day/Tuesday)
Note: You do not have to have worked the first ten Steps to attend this meeting.
12:00 Midnight Eastern / 11:00 pm Central / 10:00 pm Mountain / 9:00 pm Pacific
Meeting Focus: Steps and Speaker meeting
7:00 am Eastern / 6:00 am Central / 5:00 am Mountain / 12:00 pm Noon GMT
Women COSA only Hybrid (zoom and face to face) meeting. Please text or email contact for more information.
1:00 pm Eastern US, CAN / 12:00 pm NOON CENTRAL / 11:00 am Mountain / 10:00 pm Pacific
12:00 pm Noon Eastern US, CAN, Trinidad/Tobago / 11:00 am Central / 10:00 am Mountain / 9:00 am Pacific / 4:00 pm UTC / 6:00 pm SAST, Helsinki / 5:00 am Wellington, NZDT (next day/Tuesday)
The Traditions remind us that we’re part of something bigger than ourselves. Please join us at any time. Unlike the Steps that build upon each other, each Tradition study can stand alone. Even if you haven’t completed all Twelve Steps, you are welcome here!
Topics come from the COSA literature. (Each week’s topic will be presented during the meeting. No purchase is necessary.)
2:00 pm Eastern, CAN, Trinidad/Tobago / 1:00 pm Central / 12:00 noon US Mountain / 11:00 am Pacific / 6:00 pm UTC / 8:00 pm SAST, Finland / 7:00 am Wellington, NZDT (next day/Wednesday)
Note: You do not have to have worked the first nine Steps to attend this meeting.
3:00 pm Eastern / 2:00 pm Central / 1:00 pm Mountain / 12:00 Noon Pacific
Syracuse social distancing response group
5:30 pm Eastern US, CAN, Trinidad/Tobago / 4:30 pm Central / 3:30 pm Mountain / 2:30 pm Pacific / 9:30 pm UTC / 10:30 am Wellington, NZDT (next day/Wednesday) / 8:30 am Sydney, AEDT (next day/Wednesday)
This women's only Literature meeting is open to those who are interested in learning more about COSA and presently conducted in zoom. Please contact dallascosa@gmail.com for more information.
Please contact srcosa@gmail.com for a zoom number and password / Women Only / Open (Meeting is open to those interested in learning about COSA)
Emanuel Lutheran Church, 777 Mooring Line Drive, ground level, media room.
Welcome! You are not alone. Our welcoming group meets in person every Tuesday evening at 7pm est. Please call or text 941-444-9930 or email cosa.naplesflorida@gmail.com if you would like to contact a group member or have questions.
Please contact the group for more information and current meeting status.
We are meeting in hybrid on zoom and physical location: Renew Christian Church 3901 Cole Mill Rd Durham, NC 27712 Please contact durhamnc.cosa@gmail.com for more information.
Adult Children of Sex Addicts Meeting is open to COSAs who identify as being affected by childhood caregivers or members of your family of origin. Open to anyone affected by sexual compulsive behavior including members of other Twelve Step programs. If you are not sure and are exploring whether you may have been affected by compulsive sexual behavior in this way, you are welcome to attend.
7:00 pm Eastern US, CAN, Trinidad/Tobago / 6:00 pm Central / 5:00 pm Mountain / 4:00 pm Pacific / 11:00 pm UTC / 12:00 pm Wellington, NZDT (next day/Wednesday) / 10:00 am Sydney, AEDT (next day/Wednesday)
CZR Perpetual Step Study in the COSA “Zoom Room Too” combines multiple resources and allows each participant to choose their own level of study based on the weekly assignments: Essential, Recommended, and/or Optional. This study meets for one hour on Tuesdays in CZR2 at 7:00 PM Eastern Time The group is open to new participants each week.
Please register using this form to enable us to send you the Zoom room information. https://forms.gle/vCu8FqJ1kZrAXmoy6
7:00 pm Eastern / 6:00 pm Central / 5:00 pm Mountain / 4:00 pm Pacific / 11:00 pm UTC / 11:00 am Wellington, NZDT (next day/Wednesday) / 9:00 am Sydney, AEDT (next day/Wednesday)
Meeting is open only to those who identify themselves as a COSA
7:00 pm Eastern / 6:00 pm Central / 5:00 pm Mountain / 4:00 pm Pacific / 11:00 pm UTC / 1:00 pm Wellington, NZDT (next day/Wednesday) / 11:00 am Sydney, AEDT (next day/Wednesday)
We can't wait to see you! The church has no parking lot, so plan to arrive a bit early for street parking. Enter in the the back of the church, and buzz the "weld" room. Contact for additional information: SeattleCOSA@gmail.com
Women only. We meet at Holy Spirit, Room 9 in Tempe 7-9 pm on Tuesdays. No meetings on 12/24 & 12/31.
7:30 PM Pacific / 8:30 pm Mountain / 9:30 pm Central / 10:30 pm Eastern / 3:30 pm Wellington, NZDT (next day/Wednesday) / 1:30 pm Sydney, AEDT (next day/Wednesday)
Newcomers welcome! Online meeting via zoom. Go to: https://www.zoom.us/join – Enter Meeting ID: 857 6549 6285
Please, contact organizers for password and other information.
This Meeting focus on COSA Steps, Literature readings, COSA Tools and COSA Topic Discussion.
7:30 PM US Eastern / 6:30 PM US Central / 5:30 PM US Mountain / 4:30 PM US Pacific / 11:30 pm UTC / 12:30 PM (next day/Friday) Wellington, NZDT / 10:30 AM (next day/Friday) Sydney, AEDT
This zoom meeting welcomes only women who have been affected by compulsive sexual behavior. cosahelderberg@gmail.com
8:00 pm SAST (UTC+2) / 6:00 pm UTC / 2:00 pm Eastern, CAN / 1:00 pm Central / 12:00 noon Mountain / 11:00 am Pacific
Zoom meeting "open" to all interested in attending.
8pm UK/Western European Time (GMT/WET)
3pm Eastern (EST)
2pm Central (CST)
1pm Mountain (MST)
12noon Pacific (PST)
9pm Central European Time (CET)
10pm South African Standard Time (SAST)
HIR (or Healthy Intimate Relationships) is a style of blended meeting in which both COSAs and sex addicts are welcome to participate fully, with or without partners.
8:30 pm Eastern US, CAN / 7:30 pm Central / 6:30 pm Mountain / 5:30 pm Pacific / 12:30 am UTC (Wednesday) / 11:30 pm Sydney, AEDT (next day/Wednesday) / 1:30 pm Wellington, NZDT (next day/Wednesday)
Meeting Focus: COSA en Español por teléfono.
8:30 pm Eastern / 7:30 pm Central / 6:30 pm Mountain / 5:30 pm Pacific
Meeting Focus: Steps. Weekly speaker or reader.
10:00 pm Eastern / 9:00 pm Central / 8:00 pm Mountain / 7:00 pm Pacific
Note: You do not have to have worked the first ten Steps to attend this meeting.
12:00 Midnight Eastern / 11:00 pm Central / 10:00 pm Mountain / 9:00 pm Pacific
A great way to start your Wednesday.
11:00 am Eastern US, CAN / 10:00 am Central / 9:00 am Mountain / 8:00 am Pacific / 3:00 pm GMT / 5:00 pm SAST, Helsinki, Finland
Wednesday Noon Pacific Meeting
3:00 pm Eastern, CAN, Trinidad/Tobago / 2:00 pm Central / 1:00 Mountain / 12:00 noon Pacific / 7:00 pm Greenwich / Reykjavik, Iceland / 8:00 pm London, UK / 10:00 pm Helsinki, Finland / 7:00 am NZ (next day/Thursday)
This step study is starting on Step One in January 2024. The goal is to complete the Steps by mid-December 2024.
1:30 pm Eastern US, CAN, Trinidad/Tobago / 12:30 pm Central / 11:30 am Mountain / 10:30 am Pacific / 6:30 pm GMT
Note: You do not have to have worked the first nine Steps to attend this meeting.
3:00 pm Eastern / 2:00 pm Central / 1:00 pm Mountain / 12:00 Noon Pacific
The Wednesday Noon Pacific meeting is meeting via Zoom (not in person). This meeting is Open to all who have been affected by another person's compulsive sexual behavior, but closed to those who have not. Newcomers are welcome at every meeting.
3:00pm Eastern, CAN / 2:00 pm Central / 1:00 Mountain / 12:00 noon Pacific / 7:00 pm UTC / 9:00 pm SAST, Helsinki, Finland / 8:00 am Wellington, NZDT (next day/Thursday) / 6:00 am Sydney, AEDT (next day/Thursday)
The “Leveling Up” meeting will begin an in-depth study of healing, health, and hope after betrayal. The first session will be Wednesday, October 9, at 1 pm Pacific time, 2 pm Mountain time, 3 pm Central time, and 4 pm Eastern time.
3:15 pm Eastern / 2:15 pm Central / 1:15 pm Mountain / 12:15 pm Pacific
This meeting is a closed meeting that is for anyone who identifies as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, gender non-conforming, queer or questioning, intersex, asexual, pansexual, or Two Spirit. This meeting is for those whose life has been affected by compulsive sexual behavior and are seeking recovery.
8:30 pm Eastern US, CAN / 7:30 pm Central / 6:30 pm Mountain / 5:30 pm Pacific / 12:30 am UTC (next day/Thursday) / 1:30 pm Wellington, NZDT (next day/Thursday) / 11:30 am Sydney, AEDT (next day/Thursday)
Our Zoom meeting number changes as we add meetings throughout the year. We meet in person on the first Wednesday of each month. New members should first contact our group via email and we will share meeting details. We welcome everyone who identifies as a COSA.
Meeting is hybrid Zoom & Face-to-Face
Please email inthecityserenity@yahoo.com for meeting information.
Women Only
8:00 pm Eastern, 7:00 pm Central, 6:00 pm Mountain, 5:00 pm Pacific, 2:00 pm Wellington, NZDT (next day/Thursday), 12 pm Sydney, AEDT (next day/Thursday)
*Hybrid (zoom and face-to-face) meeting for those who identify as COSA women only.
7:00 PM Pacific / 8:00 pm Mountain / 9:00 pm Central / 10:00 pm Eastern / 3:00 pm Wellington, NZDT (next day/Thursday) / 1:00 pm Sydney, AEDT (next day/Thursday)
This is a local meeting that meets sometimes in person and sometimes by Zoom. Please reach out by email for more information.
We will clarify what an amazing life would look like, create a plan to make it happen, and discuss tools to help design our new life.
Some ideas to start with: Make a Spending Plan, Amazing Accountability Partners, 100 Things, and other exercises to help codify our Guiding Principles and values.
We invite all COSAs, whether new to everything COSA or new to the COSA Zoom Room to join us to meet and learn about COSA, make connections with other new and "seasoned" COSAs, be introduced to available online resources and ask questions.
7:30 pm Eastern US, CAN, Trinidad/Tobago / 6:30 pm Central / 5:30 pm Mountain / 4:30 pm Pacific / 11:30 pm UTC (next day/Thursday) / 12:30 pm Wellington, NZDT (next day/Thursday)/ 10:30 am Sydney, AEDT (next day/Thursday)
Please note that the location listed is approximate. Contact the group email StrengthinSerenity@gmail.com for the meeting address or to see if it is on zoom.
Newcomers and recovering COSAs in New England and beyond are welcome to join us to share our (ESH) Experience, Strength and Hope on a variety of topics every week. CLOSED (only open to those who identify as a COSA).
7:30 pm Eastern US, CAN, Trinidad/Tobago / 6:30 pm Central / 5:30 pm Mountain / 4:30 pm Pacific / 11:30 pm GMT (next day/Thursday)
Wednesday Hope and Healing Online
8:00 pm BST / 9:00 pm SAST, Finland / 3:00 pm Eastern / 2:00 pm Central / 1:00 pm Mountain / 12:00 pm noon Pacific / 7:00 am Wellington, NZST (Next day/Tuesday) / 5:00 am Sydney, AEST (Next day/Tuesday)
Topic meeting. All COSAs welcome.
8:30 pm Eastern US, CAN, Trinidad/Tobago / 7:30 pm Central / 6:30 pm Mountain / 5:30 pm Pacific / 12:30 am UTC (early Thursday) / 1:30 pm Wellington, NZDT (next day/Thursday) / 11:30 am Sydney, AEDT (next day/Thursday)
Note: You do not have to have worked the first ten Steps to attend this meeting.
12:00 Midnight Eastern / 11:00 pm Central / 10:00 pm Mountain / 9:00 pm Pacific
Step meeting full and closed to existing COSA meeting members
9:00 am Eastern / 8:00 am Central / 7:00 am Mountain / 6:00 am Pacific / 1:00 pm UTC / 3:00 pm SAST
Note: You do not have to have worked the first nine Steps to attend this meeting.
3:00 pm Eastern / 2:00 pm Central / 1:00 pm Mountain / 12:00 Noon Pacific
Safe Haven Meeting covers topics related to COSA recovery
3:00 pm Eastern / 2:00 pm Central / 1:00 pm Mountain / 12:00 noon Pacific / 7:00 pm UTC / 9:00 pm SAST, Helsinki, Finland / 8:00 am Wellington, NZDT (next day/Friday) / 6:00 am Sydney, AEDT (next day/Friday)
This *NEW* Adult Children of Sex Addicts Meeting is open to COSAs who identify as being affected by childhood caregivers or members of your family of origin. Open to anyone affected by sexual compulsive behavior including members of other Twelve Step programs. If you are not sure and are exploring whether you may have been affected by compulsive sexual behavior in this way, you are welcome to attend. Starts Thursday, June 8, 2023.
4:00 pm Eastern US, CAN / 3:00 pm Central / 2:00 pm Mountain / 1:00 pm Pacific / 8:00 pm UTC
Please join us for an open face-to-face COSA meeting. Topics may include include speaker/share, step study, check-in, literature reading, discussion and meditation. Newcomers welcome! Please email highaltitudehopecosa@gmail.com to confirm.
Handicap Accessible Face to Face meeting with a Literature reading format. Contact mreadynow@gmail.com
This meeting welcomes those who identify as woman or non-binary. Newcomers should contact cosa4madison@gmail.com for Zoom meeting information.
7:30 pm Eastern US, CAN / 6:30 pm Central / 5:30 pm Mountain / 4:30 pm Pacific / 11:30 pm UTC / 12:30 pm Wellington, NZDT (next day/Tuesday) / 10:30 am Sydney, AEDT (next day/Tuesday)
Newcomers welcome! This online meeting covers COSA Steps, Traditions, and includes Literature Readings.
7:00 PM US Eastern / 6:00 PM US Central / 5:00 PM US Mountain / 4:00 PM US Pacific / 11 pm UTC
7:00 pm Eastern / 6:00 pm Central / 5:00 pm Mountain / 4:00 pm Pacific / 11 pm UTC / 12:00 pm Wellington, NZDT (next day/Friday) / 10:00 am Sydney, AEDT (next day/Friday)
New in-person meeting welcomes all adults who identify as a COSA: 6727 S. Sheridan Road, Tulsa, Ok 74133, United States
Dial in: (669) 900 6833 Meeting ID: 726 754 559 Password: 202012 Contact thursnitecosa@gmail.com for zoom meeting information
Thursday Step Study "Let's Work It" Online meeting
On August 1, 2024, a Twelve Step Study started and meets at 8:30 p.m. Eastern Time in the COSA Zoom Room. The Step Study follows the CZR Step Study format that is on the https://cosazoomroom.org/step-study-resources/ webpage. FULL and CLOSED to new COSAs.
8:30 PM US Eastern / 7:30 PM US Central / 6:30 PM US Mountain / 5:30 PM US Pacific / 2:30 PM (next day/Friday) Wellington, NZDT / 12:30 PM (next day/Friday) Sydney, AEDT
Note: You do not have to have worked the first ten Steps to attend this meeting.
12:00 Midnight Eastern / 11:00 pm Central / 10:00 pm Mountain / 9:00 pm Pacific
"Go With the Flow" Topic meeting changes weekly.
2:00 pm Eastern / 1:00 pm Central / 12:00 noon US Mountain / 11:00 am Pacific
Note: You do not have to have worked the first nine Steps to attend this meeting.
3:00 pm Eastern / 2:00 pm Central / 1:00 pm Mountain / 12:00 Noon Pacific
*PLEASE NOTE REVISED START TIME: 8:00 pm Eastern / 7:00 pm Central / 6:00 pm Mountain / 5:00 pm Pacific
& Go to: https://www.zoom.us/join – Enter Meeting ID: 457 778 6313
Contact for password and other information: cosazoomroom@yahoo.com
*This meeting is inactive. May restart via phone. Please contact us for meeting information.
For meeting location, please email synchronicityESH@aol.com or phone organizer
*Changed by 1 hour: 9:00 pm Eastern / 8:00 pm Central / 7:00 pm Mountain / 6:00 pm PACIFIC / 1:00 am UTC (next day) / 1:00 pm Wellington, New Zealand NDZT (next day/Saturday) / 11:00 am Sydney, Australia AEDT (next day/Saturday)
contact email: cosa.youngadults.sanjosemeeting@gmail.com for zoom information
A face-to-face meeting open only to adults who identify themselves as a COSA. Contact cosasaltlake@gmail.com
Park out back, go in through the doors on the side nearest to "Ewell Street". There is a ramp & a set of double doors. There are signs to the room on the left just past the restrooms. Meet in room 504.
Leave a message at 859-951-7788 and someone will return your call.
Note: You do not have to have worked the first ten Steps to attend this meeting.
12:00 Midnight Eastern / 11:00 pm Central / 10:00 pm Mountain / 9:00 pm Pacific
Meeting Focus: Using COSA's Twelve Steps and Tools to heal and recover.
12:00 pm Eastern, CAN / 11:00 am Central / 10:00 am US Mountain / 9:00 am Pacific / 5:00 pm GMT
Contact for password and additional information: losangelescosa@gmail.com or cosazoomroom@yahoo.com
***Hybrid Open COED (Zoom and face-to-face) meeting. Please text either contact for more information.
10:30 am Eastern US, CAN / 9:30 am CENTRAL / 8:30 am Mountain / 7:30 am Pacific / 2:30 pm UTC
Live! In Person! Face-to-Face! in San Francisco
Every Saturday morning from 9:45 am to 10:45 am
at Unity San Francisco, 240 Page Street
(between Octavia and Laguna in Hayes Valley).
In person only. Join us for Fellowship after the meeting too!
Zoom Meeting ID: 940 438 815 & Dial in option: (669) 900-6833
Contact saturday.cosa@gmail.com to receive the password.
This is an OPEN zoom meeting for anyone interested in learning more about COSA @ 12:45 pm Eastern, CAN / 11:45 am Central / 10:45 am Mountain / 9:45 AM PACIFIC / 4:45 pm UTC / 6:45 pm SAST (South Africa Standard Time)
Please contact londonsaturdaycosa@gmail.com for more information
Note: You do not have to have worked the first nine Steps to attend this meeting.
3:00 pm Eastern / 2:00 pm Central / 1:00 pm Mountain / 12:00 Noon Pacific
Meets BI-MONTHLY January, March, May, July, September, November - the 2nd week of the month
HIR (or Healthy Intimate Relationships) is a style of blended meeting in which both COSAs and sex addicts are welcome to participate fully, with or without partners.
10:30 pm Eastern / 9:30 pm Central / 8:30 pm Mountain / 7:30 pm Pacific / 2:30 am UTC / 3:30 pm Wellington, NZST (next day/Sunday) / 1:30 pm Sydney, AEST (next day/Sunday)
Note: You do not have to have worked the first ten Steps to attend this meeting.
12:00 Midnight Eastern / 11:00 pm Central / 10:00 pm Mountain / 9:00 pm Pacific
HIR (or Healthy Intimate Relationships) is a style of blended meeting in which both COSAs and sex addicts are welcome to participate fully, with or without partners. This meeting is a deeper study on how the Twelve Steps, Traditions, and Principles help us strengthen and improve our primary love relationships. Open to both COSAs and sex addicts with or without their partners, including newcomers. Closed to those who have not been affected by their own or another person’s compulsive sexual behavior.
12 pm Noon Eastern / 11 am Central / 10 am Mountain / 9 am Pacific / 5 pm BST / 4 pm UTC
New COSA meeting for Teens ages 13-18 on the 2nd Sunday of each month:
2:00 pm Eastern, CAN / 1:00 pm Central / 12:00 noon US Mountain / 11:00 am Pacific / 8:00 pm BST
Note: You do not have to have worked the first nine Steps to attend this meeting.
3:00 pm Eastern / 2:00 pm Central / 1:00 pm Mountain / 12:00 Noon Pacific
A new meeting with a focus for those considering divorce, in the process of divorce, or divorced. COSA material will be used. Join this meeting to share your experience, strength and hope with those in attendance and gain the unparalleled gift of acceptance from others in a similar situation.
3:00 pm Eastern, CAN / 2:00 pm Central / 1:00 Mountain / 12:00 noon Pacific / 7:00 pm UTC / 7:00 am Wellington, NZDT (next day/Monday)
Please join us for our Sunday Meditation Meeting
7:00 pm Eastern US, CAN / 6:00 pm Central / 5:00 pm Mountain / 4:00 pm Pacific
Women Only ***Please text or email a contact person for Zoom information.
7:00 pm Eastern US, CAN / 6:00 pm CENTRAL / 5:00 pm Mountain / 4:00 pm Pacific
6pm from Nov-April 1, 6:30pm April to Nov 1. naturalwonder06@gmail.com or call for meeting
Join us to start your new week with shares of ESH (experience strength hope) on recovery-focused topics.
7:30 pm Eastern US, CAN / 6:30 pm Central / 5:30 pm Mountain / 4:30 pm Pacific / 11:30 pm UTC / 11:30 am Wellington, NZDT (next day/Monday) / 9:30 am Sydney, AEDT (next day/Monday)